Workshop on An Integrated Approach to Victim Assistance
he CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance and the Coordinators on Cooperation and Assistance, with technical support from Handicap International, held a workshop on an Integrated Approach to Victim Assistance on Wednesday, May 18th 2016, at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva.
This workshop provided an opportunity for states to share views on national examples of good practices and challenges in implementing an integrated approach to victim assistance, including those identified in responses to tailored questionnaires on the subject of an integrated approach that the CCM Coordinators sent earlier this year to 19 donor and 21 affected states.
The input from states at the workshop, together with the responses to the questionnaires, will be used to prepare a guidance document on this approach that will be issued ‘by states for states’ later this year by the CCM Coordinators.
Participants to the workshop include government representatives from Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Lao People’s Republic, Mozambique, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand and the United States of America, as well as non – state representatives from the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and the Cluster Munition Coalition, the Gender and Mine Action Program, the International Disability Alliance, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, survivors from El Salvador and Uganda, an independent expert on disability and victim assistance from Australia, and the United Nations Mine Action Service.
For more information about this workshop, please click on the following links to access the workshop agenda, speeches and presentations. Photos of the workshop are available on Flickr.
- Agenda
- Ambassador Quinn from Australia – introductory remarks
- Ambassador Mouayed Saleh from Iraq – introductory remarks
- UN-Special-Rapporteur-on-the-rights-of-people-with-disabilities-introductory-remarks
- Handicap-International-Introduction-to-an-integrated-approach
- Good-practices-from-Albania
- Through a survivor’s eyes from Uganda
- Through a survivor’s eyes from El Salvador
- Good practices from Italy
- Summary-of-responses-on-VA-practices (1)