Photo by DMAC-Afghanistan


Extension requests to be considered at the 13th Meeting of States Parties (13MSP)


Extension requests to be considered at the 13MSP are for States Parties with clearance deadlines in 2026. Documents related to extension requests are uploaded in accordance with the timeline defined in the Guidelines for CCM Article 3 and Article 4 Extension Requests adopted at the 8MSP. The extension requests will be analysed using the Methodology adopted at the 9MSP.


Article 4: Clearance

Annex A – AMAS 06.02 Battle Area Clearance; Annex B – SWP 02.02 Quality Assurance and Quality Control; Annex B.1 – QA Monitoring and QC Completion Form; Annex D National Mine Action StructureAnnex E – Detailed Cluster Munitions Remnants Clearance Plan Year; Annex F to Article 4 Extension Request CMR Sites in Afghanistan