Enhancing International Cooperation and Assistance under the CCM
On Friday 9 June 2017, Australia and Iraq, CCM Coordinators on International Cooperation and Assistance, hosted an informal meeting in the margins of the Intersessional Meetings of the Anti-Personnel Landmines Convention (APLC). The meeting was held as a follow-up to the informal meeting in the margins of the 20th International Meeting of National Mine Action Programme Directors and United Nations Advisers (NDM-UN) on Wednesday 8 February to provide updates on the issues raised at that meeting, and to share further their views on challenges and needs for cooperation and assistance.
Aproximately 22 representatives from affected States, States with impending deadlines under the Convention and donor/partner States participated in the meeting. The following is a summary of key points raised, along with more detailed proceedings of the meeting. As the meeting was closed, all identifying references to participating States have been removed from the summary.
To access the summary, click here.