Photo: Annie Spratt, Unsplash
The workshop dedicated to the Universalization of the CCM in Africa, was held at the Permanent Mission of New Zealand in Geneva on 20 and 24 February 2014.
Organized jointly by the Coordinators on Universalization of the CCM (Ghana and Norway) and the Coordinator on National Implementation Measures (New Zealand) with the support of ICRC, CMC and UNDP, the aim of the workshop was to support the efforts of signatory African states towards ratification by obtaining a better understanding of the current status and progress of the efforts undertaken, as well as of any challenges encountered.
List of participants
Programme of work:
Agenda (English version / French version)
Session I: Introduction: the banning of cluster munitions and the CCM
ICRC Film: The Convention on Cluster Munitions: Time to Act
Film (CICR): La Convention sur les armes à sous-munitions : Il est temps d’agir
Session II: Advantages of ratifying the CCM: Opportunities for assistance and cooperation in CCM implementation
Presentation from CMC ( English version / version francaise)
Session III: Implications of joining the Convention (military; obligations for cluster munition affected countries: Fulfilling the requirements for clearance and victims assistance)
Presentation from ICRC (English version/ version Francaise)
Session IV: The necessary steps to ratify and implement the Convention at the national level
Session V: Feedback from States, approval or comments on the backgrounds documents sent, update on the ratification process & identification of potential challenges
Session VI: Presentation of the support and expertise available (ICRC, CMC) to support the ratification process
Contact details at ICRC:
Lou Maresca, Senior Legal Adviser (based in Geneva) lmaresca@icrc.org
Julie Tenenbaum, Regional Adviser (based in Abidjan) jtenenbaum@icrc.org
Sarah Swart, Regional Adviser (based in Pretoria) sswart@icrc.org
Umesh Kadam, Regional Adviser (based in Nairobi) ukadam@icrc.org
Contact details at CMC:
Amy Little, Campaign Manager, amy@icblcmc.org
Amelie Chayer, Policy Advisor, amelie@icblcmc.org
Documents in English
CCM Ratification toolkit (ICRC)
CCM Model legislation (ICRC)
CCM States parties and signatories – mega chart (CMC)
CCM – Briefing paper (CMC)
Cluster munitions – a banned weapon (CMC)
International cooperation and assistance under the CCM (CMC)
Why and how all states should join the CCM (CMC)
Documents en francais
Dossier de ratification CCM (CICR)
Loi type relative a la CCM (CICR)
CCM Etats parties et signataires – tableau (CMC)
CCM – Situation en Afrique (CMC)
CCM – Presentation (CMC)
Pourquoi et comment tous les etats doivent adherer a la CCM (CMC)