Photo by David Watkis, Unsplash
This section contains information about activities implemented by past and present Coordinators on Universalization to increase adherence with, promote universalization of and reinforce the norms being established by the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
January 2024
Work Plan by Malawi and Peru, CCM Coordinators on Universalization, guided by Actions 10 and 11 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 12th Meeting of States Parties (12MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2024.
November 2022
Work Plan by Malawi and Spain, CCM Coordinators on Universalization, guided by Actions 10 and 11 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 11th Meeting of States Parties (11MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2023.
December 2021
Concept Note by the Philippines and Spain, CCM Coordinators on Universalization, guided by Actions 10 and 11 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 10th Meeting of States Parties (10MSP) to be held in Geneva in August/September 2022.
September 2020
CCM Universalization Coordinators, Chile and the Philippines, presented their working paper on the Ways Forward on Universalization of the CCM at the Second Preparatory Meeting for the 2RC, which took place on 4 September 2020 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The Coordinators presented their paper on 25 and 26 November 2020 at Part One of the 2RC, which was held virtually.
The Ways Forward paper outlines several challenges to the Convention’s universalization as well as recommendations to States Parties in promoting its universalization. The final document will be adopted during Part Two of the 2RC.
July 2020
The Philippines, CCM Coordinator on Universalization, organized a webinar to promote the Convention among experts and military and defence officials of the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM) on 29 July 2020. 10 of 11 ASEAN member states participated in the webinar.
June 2020
CCM Universalization Coordinators, Chile and the Philippines, established the Informal Working Group on CCM Universalization on 25 June 2020 that consists of the Swiss Presidency, Australia, Italy, the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the ISU. This informal working group aims to establish a roadmap with three objectives: support the universalization efforts, generate synergies and streamline strategies.
January 2020
Concept Note by Chile and the Philippines, CCM Coordinators on Universalization of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 1 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the Second Review Conference (2RC) to be held in November 2020.
February 2019
On Wednesday 6th February 2019, Chile and Panama, CCM Coordinators on Universalization, hosted an informal meeting with signatory States and States not Party to the CCM at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The event was organized in the margins of the 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers.
The objective of the meeting was to provide signatory States and States not Party with a platform to exchange views and experiences regarding the CCM universalization process. 9 representatives from 3 Signatory States and 5 States not Party participated. Presentations were given by the ISU, CMC and ICRC. The Coordinators and panelists also responded to the queries of the country representatives.
December 2018
Concept Note by Panama and Chile, CCM Coordinators on Universalization of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 1 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 9th Meeting of States Parties (9MSP) to be held in September 2019.
May 2018
CCM Coordinators on Universalization, France and Panama, organized an informal, closed meeting with CCM Signatory States on 23 May 2018. 5 representatives from 4 Signatory States attended the meeting to share efforts undertaken by their government to ratify the Convention and to address any challenges encountered in this endeavour.
Ambassador Yves Marek of France commenced the meeting with an opening address. This was followed by a presentation by the ISU Director on the treaty obligations and brief update from each State. Finally, the Coordinators on Universalization and the ISU answered questions the countries had with regards to the CCM.
March 2018
Upon request from CCM Coordinators on Universalization, France and Panama, the ISU-CCM gave a presentation on the Convention on Cluster Munitions with specific emphasis on tools and resources available to States during an informal meeting on the ‘Parliamentary Role in Comprehensive Disarmament and Non-Proliferation’ that was held in Geneva on 27 March 2018 in the margins of the 138th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). The Coordinators and the ISU-CCM handed out resources to parliamentarians from a number of States not Party to the CCM.
December 2017
Concept Note by Panama and France, CCM Coordinators on Universalization of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 1 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 8th Meeting of States Parties (8MSP) to be held in September 2018.
May 2017
The Coordinators on Universalization (France and Zambia) along with the Coordinator on National Implementation Measures (New Zealand) organized the CCM Ratification Seminar in Kampala, Uganda, on 29-30 May. The seminar was made possible through the generous contribution of the government of New Zealand and in-kind support of the government of Uganda.
For detailed information on the Seminar, click here.
November 2016
Concept Note by France and Zambia, CCM Coordinators on Universalization of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 1 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 7th Meeting of States Parties (7MSP) to be held in September 2017.
August 2016
New Zealand (CCM Coordinator on National Implementation Measures of the Convention) together with Ecuador and Zambia (CCM Coordinators on Universalization of the Convention up to the 6MSP) organized the Africa Regional Workshop on the Universalization of the Convention on Cluster Munitions in August 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For more information.