Photo by DMA Iraq

Clearance and risk education

This section contains information about activities implemented by the Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Education.

September 2024

New Coordinator on Risk Education:

The 12th Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions(12MSP) decided to appoint a dedicated coordinator for risk education. This decision was made based on a working paper on EORE submitted by Norway and Italy. The goal is to improve the effectiveness of risk education efforts and to better monitor the indicators outlined in the Lausanne Action Plan. Additionally, the Meetings of States Parties will now have a separate agenda item for risk education, distinct from clearance.

January 2024

Work Plan by Italy and Norway, CCM Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Education, on advancing the implementation of Article 4, guided by Actions 18-30 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 12th Meeting of States Parties (12MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2024.

November 2021

Concept Note by Guyana and Sweden, CCM Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Education, on advancing the implementation of Article 4, guided by Actions 18-30 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 10th Meeting of States Parties (10MSP) to be held in Geneva in August/September 2022.

January 2020

Concept Note by Afghanistan and Sweden, CCM Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Reduction Education, on enhancing the implementation of Action 3 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the Second Review Conference(2RC), to be held in November 2020.

December 2017

Concept Note by Lao PDR and the Netherlands, CCM Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Reduction Education, on enhancing the implementation of Action 3 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 8th Meeting of States Parties (8MSP) to be held in September 2018.

November 2017

Norway, former Coordinator on Clearance and Risk Reduction Education, along with the Netherlands, one of the current Coordinators on this thematic, organized a Balkan regional workshop on cluster munition survey and clearance. The technical workshop brought together representatives of affected States in the Balkans, donor States and organizations and demining agencies to discuss on completion planning, challenges, lessons learnt, regional collaboration and available support in continuing their efforts on clearance.

November 2016

The Coordinators on Clearance and Risk Reduction Education (Norway and the Netherlands) co-organized a technical workshop with the Lebanon Mine Action Centre (LMAC), with the support of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), focusing on cluster munition survey and clearance and implementation of Article 4 of the CCM. The workshop allowed overcoming challenges previously identified between the LMAC and operators working in the country and that it fitted into Lebanon’s desire to develop a centre of excellence in this field in the region.

November 2016

Concept Note by the Netherlands and Norway, CCM Coordinators on Stockpile Destruction and Retention of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 3 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 7th Meeting of States Parties (7MSP) to be held in September 2017.