Photo: Piotr Chrobot, Unsplash

The Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) took place in Beirut, Lebanon, from 13 to 16 September 2011 and gathered more than 1,000 delegates from 52 States Parties, 38 signatories States, 41 observers and 15 international organizations (see list below).
The 2MSP was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, President of the 1MSP to the CCM, Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith. During the first plenary meeting, the meeting elected by acclamation Dr. Adnan Mansour, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of the Republic of Lebanon, as President of the 2MSP to the CCM, assisted by Najla Riachi Assaker, Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the UN in Geneva.
Major decisions of the 2MSP:
- Delegations agreed to encourage States Parties to implement the recommendations contained within the paper submitted by Australia on the application of all available methods for the efficient implementation of Article 4;
- Delegations agreed to encourage States Parties to make use of the papers submitted by New Zealand on national legislation;
- Adoption of a mandate for the President of the 2MSP to negotiate the necessary decisions in order to establish an Implementation Support Unit;
- Implementation of an informal intersessional meeting in April 2012 in Geneva and establishment of working groups and appointment of the Coordinators who would guide the intersessional work programme as follows:
- General status and operation of the Convention (Holy See and Zambia)
- Universalization (Japan and Portugal)
- Victim assistance (Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Clearance and risk reduction (Lao PDR and Ireland)
- Stockpile destruction and retention (Germany and Croatia)
- Cooperation and assistance (Spain and Mexico)
- Reporting (Belgium)
- National implementation measures (New Zealand)
The President of the First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Deputy Prime minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lao PDR, Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith presided over the election of the President of the Second Meeting of States Parties.
Speech of H.E. Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith
The President of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, Dr. Adnan Mansour made opening remarks outlining his expectations for the Meeting and the time period of his Presidency. In the spirit of partnership, which has been the hallmark of this Convention, the President first invited four speakers to address the plenary:
Speech of H.E. Dr. Adnan Mansour
Statement of Mr. Sergio de Queiroz Duarte, High Representative of Disarmament Affairs, United Nations
Statement of Ms. Christine Beerli, Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Statement of Mr. Branislav Kapetanovic, Spokesperson of the Cluster Munition Coalition
Statements of Ms. Randa Berri, Representative of civil society in Lebanon, the Lebanese Handicap Welfare Association
The President of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2MSP CCM), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, Dr. Adnan Mansour, oversaw the adoption of the Agenda for the 2MSP CCM and the Rules of Procedure. Mr. Kolarov was confirmed as Secretary-General of the Meeting. France, Ghana, Guatemala and Lao PDR were elected as Vice-Presidents.
The President introduced draft documents and key draft decisions:
The Beirut Declaration
Beirut Progress Report
Work Plan 2012
During this session States Parties, signatories, States not Party, international organisations and civil society organisations were invited to make statements of a general nature.
Statement by Mexico
Statement by the European Union
Statement by Belgium
Statement by Lithuania
Statement by Germany
Statement by Swaziland
Statement by Italy
Statement by South Africa
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Portugal
Statement by Indonesia
Statement by Moldova
Statement by Holy See
Statement by Czech Republic
Statement by Austria
Statement by Palestine
Statement by France
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Albania
Statement by Ireland
Statement by China
Statement by Australia
Statement by Netherlands
Statement by New Zealand
Statement by Guatemala
Statement by Spain
Statement by Croatia
Statement by Hungary
Statement by Denmark
Statement by Slovenia
Statement by Kuwait
Statement by Morocco
Statement by Costa Rica
Statement by Iran
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Ghana
Statement by Japan
Statement by Colombia
Statement by Iraq
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Egypt
Statement by Luxembourg
Statement by Burkina Faso
Statement by Thailand
Statement by Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Philippines
Statement by Tajikistan
Statement by Guinea Bissau
Statement by Vietnam
Statement by Senegal
Statement by Mauritania
Statement by Kenya
Statement by Malaysia
Statement by Afghanistan
Statement by Uganda
Statement by Zambia
Statement by Chile
Statement by Chad
Statement by Uruguay
Statement by Mozambique
Statement by Gabon
Statement by Peru
Statement by Grenada
Statement by Mali
Statement by Central African Republic
Statement by Sierra Leone
Statement by Paraguay
Statement by Palau
Statement by South Sudan
Statement by Burundi
Statement by Cambodia
Statement by Gambia
Statement by Somalia
Statement by Madagascar
Statement by Angola
Statement by Liberia
Statement by Honduras
Statement by Norway
Statement by Syria
Statement by Cameron
Statement by IFRCRCS
Statement by UNDP
Statement by CMC
Friend: Germany
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Germany in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to stockpile destruction and retention. States Parties and observer States were encouraged to give an update on their efforts to: separate cluster munitions from operational stocks and mark them for destruction, develop plans for destruction and carry out destruction of stockpiles. Moreover, States Parties and observer States were encouraged to give their views on Article 3, paragraph 6 with regards to retention and acquisition of cluster munitions for the purposes of development and training. Other delegations were invited to provide their views on issues pertaining to stockpile destruction and retention.
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Colombia
Statement by Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Ireland
Statement by Germany
Statement by Macedonia
Statement by France
Statement by Japan
Statement by Norway
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC
On retention:
Friend: Australia
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Australia in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to clearance and the destruction of cluster munitions remnants and risk education.
States Parties and observer States that are affected by cluster munition remnants were encouraged to provide an update on their plans, priorities and progress towards clearance and risk education.
Delegations also highlighted the resource requirements and possible gaps and the challenges they may face in meeting their obligations under Article 4. Furthermore, delegations were invited to provide views on the implementation of Article 4 and to raise points concerning the development of new technologies in the field of cluster munitions clearance.
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Afghanistan
Statement by Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Congo
Statement by Ireland
Statement by Norway
Statement by Germany
Statement by Sudan
Statement by ITF
Statement by GICHD
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC
Friend: Austria
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Austria in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to Victim Assistance. States Parties and observer States that have cluster munition victims under their jurisdiction and control were encouraged to provide an update on their efforts to provide age- and gender-sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for their social and economic inclusion.
Other delegations were invited to provide views on the implementation of Article 5.
Statement by Austria
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Albania
Statement by Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement by Afghanistan
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Australia
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Vietnam
Statement by Croatia
Statement by Mexico
Statement by Sudan
Statement by CMC
Friend: Belgium
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Belgium in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to Reporting.
Under this agenda item, organizations gave views on the reporting format and the importance of transparency reporting.
Presentation by GICHD
Statement by CMC
The President called on the distinguished delegate of New Zealand in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to national implementation measures. States Parties were encouraged to provide an update on the specific implementation measures they have taken or plan to undertake under Article 9 of the Convention. In particular, States Parties are invited to share their experiences with national legislation for the Convention. Other delegations with an interest in national implementation measures were also invited to present views here. Statements: Statement by New Zealand
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Ecuador
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by ICRC
Statement by CMC
The President provided introductory remarks with regards to draft decisions, the implementation architecture and intersessional work in 2012.
Under this agenda item, delegations were invited to give views on the work plan for 2012 and draft decisions as they pertain to the implementation architecture and intersessional work.
Statement by Norway
Statement by France
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Austria
Statement by Mexico
Statement by Belgium
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Senegal
Statement by CMC
Friend: South Africa
The President called on the distinguished delegate of South Africa in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to cooperation and assistance in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention.
States Parties and signatories seeking assistance were encouraged to provide an update on the measures they are taking to facilitate the provision of assistance by other States and to promote cooperation between States and other actors giving and receiving assistance.
Under this agenda item, States Parties in a position to provide assistance were encouraged to respond to the needs and gaps identified by States in the preceding sessions on victim assistance, clearance, stockpile destruction and risk reduction. Other delegations were also invited to present.
Statement by Germany
Statement by Spain
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Australia
Statement by Sweden
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Cote d’Ivoire
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Norway
Statement by Mozambique
Statement by Japan
Statement by Switzerland
Statement by Mexico
Statement by IFRCRCS
Statement by GICHD
Statement by UNDP
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC
Friend: Japan
The President called on the distinguished delegate of Japan in its capacity as Friend of the Chair to report back on the status and activities with regards to universalization since the 1MSP.
State Parties were encouraged to provide an update on the activities they have undertaken to promote universal adherence to the Convention. Signatories were invited to provide an update on their domestic process to ratify and deposit their instrument of ratification. States not Party and other delegations could voice their support for the Convention and set out their current status vis-à-vis the Convention.
Opening statement by Japan
Statement by Moldova
Statement by Thailand
Statement by Sweden
Statement by United Kingdom
Statement by Belgium
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by Australia
Statement by Lao PDR
Statement by Ireland
Statement by France
Statement by Kiribati
Statement by Senegal
Statement by Cyprus
Statement by Indonesia
Statement by ICRC
Statement by UNMAS
Statement by CMC
Closing remarks by Japan
Statement by Lebanon
Statement by CMC
Statement by CMC on interpretive issues
List of participating States and organizations
Friends of the Chair – contact list
Conference documents are available on the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs’ website.